Equipping you to change your world

We believe a generous heart is one of the fruits that comes from knowing God. We give because we are like God our father and desire to be a blessing to people and to causes that honour God.
We encourage all to do the same in line with their nature as God's children and according to what they decide in their hearts without feeling pressured.
For one-off or regular giving, online giving is the quickest way to give to Genesis Chapel.
If you are more comfortable giving one-off by bank transfer or setting up a standing order for regular giving setup the details with the account information below.
Account Name: RCCG Genesis Chapel
Sort Code: 20-45-45
Account Number: 63573885
For Bank Transfers and Standing Orders, enter your Giving Number or your name and the type of donation (for example "G-000X - Offering" or "J. Doe - Tithe"). We will record all donations we are able to match against the donor. Please contact us at donations@genesischapel.com to get a giving number or to be reminded of your existing giving number.
All donations that do not have a reference or cannot be matched based on the provided reference will be treated as anonymous donations.